Mohammad Tajoddin Baba

  • Managing Partner

Mohammad Tajoddin Baba:- well proficient for the knowledge of establishment  to growing  towards pioneering industry. Our vision  to bring ” Smile on some ones face”  beyond the International Business Management we have many precious client relations world wide as well as Manufacturers and Suppliers in our homeland. Our Strength is to make you win in your firm with our quality of service. Hence everybody oriented for end to end great results.

  • Manager Business Relations
  Anwar:- Mr. Md. Anwar has collected years of experience as  Business  Relations Manager. Not only enhance new business relations but consistence towards to justify the needs of existed customers. To make feel our Clients  comfortable at Queries as well as Negotiations for the requirements. Mr. Anwar’s optimistic level is very high at step of dark corners to bring a spark for light up lamp.  

  • Manager Operations
Sadoddeen:- Mr. Sadoddeen is a Co-Establisher as well as Operations Manager  which he emerged a vast experience in his field.  Expert to manage all operations  as per SOP’s of organization for well facilitation of Our self  as well as our Clients. Has a great time frame estimations for complete the Shipments.     IMRAN
  • Manager Compliance
Imran:-  Mr. Imran is well extended Compliance Manager to our firm. He has great relations at high level to manage all authentications for our day by day requirements. Proactive approach towards new laws , rules and regulations which concerns to International Business.    


  • Technical Manager

Musthak:- Mr Musthak is a Technical Manager and a key member of our team. Basically he is Graduated from Engineering and collecting practical Experience of sustainable growth of Technology. He is always curious to find maximum possibilities to fix our client requirements in efficient Frame Margins. His Drafts are highly tolerated for our self and for our customers.